

I am officially identifying myself as a loser by writing this post...want to hear the reasons?

1. I just posted yesterday. uncool.
2. The Superbowl is on, and I'm doing this. uncool.
3. I don't have all that much to even say right now. uncool.
4. I have something new bouncing around in my head, and I'm not writing about it. uncool.
5. (This technically isn't a reason, but my next post will be called "Oh, You're a Person? Because You Look an Awful Lot Like a Gold Cow..." if that gets you interested.)
6. I'm really only doing this because I want to write on the blog for the sake of writing on it. uncool.

So not only am I wasting my time right now, I am wasting yours. Way to go, Allie. Oh well. Maybe this made you smile...just keep in mind I haven't had much sleep this weekend.

PS-Thank God I don't have to be cool.:)


  1. now the comments are working :) allie, i think you're cool! :)

  2. ummm...AGREED!!! :D
    (with eleny's comment :))
