
Ms. Cadoodlebob

My little sister is one of the most unique and wonderful people I know. She's one of the people you just have to know. To quote her, she "has her own ways." I love her to death.

The other night, we were in her room when I noticed something on the floor across the room that looked familiar. Two puppets she had made years ago. You know the type, brown bag bodies and red yarn hair. She laughed when I asked about them. "Yes, Ms. Cadoodlebob and Anna." I do not hold myself responsible for remembering all of her fun ideas, so I was still a little foggy. I asked her to elaborate. This is the story she told me:

Ms. Cadoodlebob is a Ms. , not a Mrs. She never married, but adopted 4 boys. Sadly, all of them died because she made them go swimming. Being paper bags, all of them perished. When I asked if she was sad about that, Lindsay said, "No, not really...you see, she didn't really know them."
I was a little surprised. "She adopted children she didn't know?"
She replied, "Well, paper bags don't have affections." I asked why she had adopted. "She was lonely," Lindsay said.
"So, she adopted them for her own benefit?"
"Yes. Ms. Cadoodlebob is quite abnormal."

So that story is funny, yes. But I realized as she was telling it that she had stumbled upon a lot of truth as she told it. Stick with me for a second...

I think some people think of God kind of like they would think of Ms. Cadoodlebob. They think that God doesn't know us, or want to. They think he asks us to do things we can't do. They think that , like paper bags, God "has no affections." God doesn't adopt us for His benefit, He adopts us for our own benefit. (Not to say God doesn't enjoy us--I believe He loves us so much He can hardly help it.) And God is in no way abnormal...we are. We put God in boxes...or paper bags. Thank goodness He loves us more than Ms. Cadoodlebob ever loved her children.

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