
Random Post!

I don't know about you, but there are a few things in this world that make me ridiculously happy. Little things, but still, you will make my day if you give me one of the following:

My Favorite Things...
  1. Green Apple Jolly Ranchers. The only problem with these is the fact that they also rank pretty high on my dad's favorite things...so I have to share.
  2. Flip-flops. AKA, my feet's best friend. It's a highly unusual day when I'm not in flip-flops or barefoot.
  3. The Library. I have an insanely nerdy love for the library. And that's all I'll say, because if I keep talking I'll make an even bigger nerd of myself.
  4. Waffle Cones. Seriously, I make my mom buy ice cream just so I can crush a waffle cone over the top. Mmmm....
  5. Classic TV. Like I said...I love Dick Van Dyke more than any fifteen year old should.
  6. "Love Me Red Creme" Nail Polish. I even love to watch it as I paint my nails. It's this weird balance between red and pink, and...I don't know, it just makes me happy. It'll be a dark day when I run out.
  7. Milanos Cookies. I really don't think I need to explain myself here.
  8. Radiatore pasta. Look here , you'll see why.
  9. Grand Pianos. I love the fact I have a piano and a keyboard, I really do. But not much else beats the sound of a grand piano. And besides, who doesn't feel awesome sitting at a grand piano.
  10. Julie Andrews. Not only because I love her, but also because I couldn't think the words "Favorite Things" without immediately singing to myself, "Raindrops on rose and whiskers on kittens..."

So, just in case anyone started wondering...there was no real reason for that post. I just needed to update, and what's more fun than favorite things, right?

(Oh, and just something totally off-topic...my birthday is December 6th.)


Samantha & Me

(All right, so my post about not posting was...too long ago. I would write another apology, but that would be just a little redundant, don't you think? So instead...I'll write this.)

I love classic TV. Seriously. I know that as a fifteen-year-old I'm supposed to like Gossip Girl or One Tree Hill, but...not much beats out Dick Van Dyke or I Love Lucy. Another one of my favorites has always been Bewitched. (see here)For those of you not familiar, Bewitched is about a "witch", Samantha Stevens, and her non-magical husband, Darrin. Sam promises Darrin when they get married not to use her witchcraft, but without fail, every episode involves Sam breaking her promise. With a twitch of her nose and some really awesome chiming music, Sam can do just about everything, whether that's make a copy of a designer dress or turn a won't-take-no-for-an-answer creep into a schnauzer.
I envy Samantha, I really do. When she doesn't like something, all she has to do is wrinkle her nose, and, hey, if that doesn't work out, everything seems to resolve itself in thirty minutes, plus commercials, anyway. And it's not just Samantha, either. There's Lucy Ricardo, Laura Petrie, Agent 99, even Marcia-Marcia-Marcia Brady. No matter how much they seem to accidentally mess things up (in the case of the first two, because Agent 99 never messes up) or how obnoxious you are (in the case of Marcia...), everything gets worked out for you within the half hour. Not fair.
Sometimes I feel like maybe I'm the only plain Jane in a sea of Samanthas. So many others seem to have life all figured out while I'm still sitting here going "What just happened?" Truth be told, life's taken me a little by surprise lately. And sometimes it looks like everyone else has a perfect black-and-white life. But that's not really true. I'm not the only person out there who is having a hard time living in technicolor. And sometimes I need to realize that most things just don't work out just like that. But I have one advantage Sam never had--I am surrounded by the grace of God and the love of my friends and family, no matter what life throws at me. And if living in messy technicolor is the price I pay to see that, I'll pay it gladly. I'm learning to be content in whatever circumstance, even if it's not TV Land-worthy. Besides...the constant laugh track could get pretty annoying after a while.