
I'm Not As Good At This As I Thought I Would Be...

I'm not exactly sure how long ago I started this thing. What I am sure about is that as deceptively effortless as it may seem, blogging actually requires work. Hence, my recent neglect of this site. Apparently blogs actually have to be kept up and require a measure of (gasp) responsibility. (As if schoolwork wasn't enough...) At any rate, responsibility is not exactly my spiritual gift. However, since I am a fallen human and therefore excellent at passing the blame, allow me to offer some excuses:
  • My life is not incredibly conducive to blogging. I don't have adorable children I can post pictures of, and neither do I have an incredibly exciting life.
  • Lately, my life has been extremely non-conducive to blogging. To all of you who have expressed care and/or added to the supply of endless food in our house, thank you so very very much.
  • I am the type to easily fall into the "Moses trap". By the "Moses trap", I mean that my thinking usually ends up being comparative instead of creative. I decide I'm not good enough to do something and try to get out of it.
  • At four bullets, I am already out of ideas for this list. Maybe not good, seeing as I was hoping for five excuses...

...As you can see above, either I'm really not cut out for this or I just have lame excuses. Either way, hopefully in coming days I will whip myself back into shape about this thing and actually blog on my blog. Radical, eh?

1 comment:

  1. Hey,

    At least you don't have a husband who horned his way into your blog, made you change the blog name to include him, and then--ONLY WROTE ONE POST.

    I am putting him on a strict schedule to make up for his lack of posts or...HE's getting fired.

    I love you!

